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Rhinoplasty at Hosfinder Clinic

Rhinoplasty at Hosfinder Clinic

Experience a rediscovered sense of self-confidence with our rhinoplasty services in Turkey. As Hosfinder Clinic, we offer personalized solutions that improve your nose shape and function, using the latest techniques in plastic surgery. Our seamless process, from initial consultation to post-operative care, is designed to ensure you achieve natural-looking and lasting results. Unleash the full potential of your rhinoplasty and enhance your appearance. Schedule your consultation with our expert team today and start your journey to a more beautiful nose.

Duration of Procedure

3 Hours

Hospitalization Duration

1 Night


7 Days

Return to Activities

7 Days

Complete Recovery

3 - 6 Months

Anticipated Results


Duration of Procedure

3 Hours

Hospitalization Duration

1 Night


7 Days

Return to Activities

7 Days

Complete Recovery

3 - 6 Months

Anticipated Results


Rhinoplasty in Turkey

Boost your confidence with a transformative Rhinoplasty journey at Hosfinder Clinic in Turkey. Our advanced techniques enable you to achieve natural and permanent results in cosmetic nose surgery, and these results are customized to your unique needs. Whether it is to correct nose shape or resolve functional problems, our comprehensive solutions are meticulously crafted to achieve superior results. We prioritize your comfort and satisfaction at every step, from the initial consultation to attentive post-operative care. Experience perfection in rhinoplasty at Hosfinder Clinic.

856 Patiens – 4,83 out of 5

Rhinoplasty in Turkey

Rhinoplasty can be defined as nasal aesthetic surgery. There is a significant increase in rhinoplasty procedures over time. Individuals may want to undergo rhinoplasty due to any appearance or health issues with their nose. It is crucial to have surgery performed in a reliable clinic.

In this case, Hosfinder Clinic, with its expert doctors, provides this service to patients from both Turkey and many parts of the world. With a highly professional working environment and their experience, the nose surgery is completed smoothly, leading to a rapid recovery process.

With the developing technology, nasal aesthetic surgery can be performed without using hammers and cutting tools. Photos of the nose are taken from 8 different angles and the possible post-operative appearance is shown with a 3D simulation. The nasal bridge can be removed with the closed rhinoplasty technique. Drooping of the nasal tip can be corrected. The curvature of the nasal bridge can be aligned to the midline. Asymmetry in the nostrils can be corrected. In addition, if there are complaints of nasal turbinates and deviation, they can be addressed in the same session. With the closed rhinoplasty technique, there are no scars on the nasal tip.


The nasal structure consists of the nasal bone, upper alar cartilage, lower alar cartilage, and the nasal septum in the midline. Under general anesthesia, the upper and lower alar cartilages are exposed with internal nasal incisions. The nasal bridge is removed with a special device without using a hammer. After this procedure, the nasal bridge is rasped. After removing the hump from the nasal bridge, vertical incisions are made on the right and left sides of the septum. Then, horizontal incisions are made bilaterally from the upper part of the nasal bone. For aesthetic visuality in the lateral nasal silhouette, the upper part of the lower alar wings is removed. After this stage, cartilage struts taken from the septum are placed on both sides of the upper septum. The lower alar cartilages are also shaped with stitches together with the vertical cartilage graft to be placed on the nasal tip. In this way, the drooping of the nasal tip and the asymmetry of the nostrils are corrected.

The incisions on the nasal tip are closed with dissolvable stitches in the anatomical plane. There is no need to remove stitches postoperatively. To give the final shape to the nasal aesthetic form, the lower lateral sides of the nasal bone are cut from top to bottom. Then, the open roof on the nasal bridge is closed by pressing from both sides. Silicone sheets are placed in both nostrils to provide midline support in the nasal structure. Finally, the operation is concluded by applying special skin-colored tapes to the nasal bridge and placing a thermoplastic splint on the nasal bridge.

Things to Consider After Rhinoplasty

After nasal aesthetic surgery, the clinic rest period is generally 1 day. However, a rest period at home of up to one week may be necessary. Accordingly, all patients should plan their surgery around this period.


During the first week, nasal cleaning should be performed as described to keep the nasal airways open. Cold compresses should be applied for 2 to 3 days to minimize swelling and edema around the nose. Engaging in heavy sports or lifting heavy objects is not advisable for one month as such activities can cause nosebleeds. Glasses should not be worn for 2 months post-operation; patients who wear prescription glasses are advised to use contact lenses instead during this period.


Activities such as sauna, Turkish bath, solarium, sunbathing, steam baths, and similar activities are prohibited for one month. The splint should be removed before taking a shower, which typically occurs after about a week, varying depending on the patient. Additionally, it is crucial to protect the nose from any impact. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid surfaces with a high risk of slipping or falling and any activities that may pose such risks.

In Which Situations Is Rhinoplasty Performed?

Nasal aesthetic surgery is primarily performed to correct nasal structures such as dorsal hump, nasal tip drooping, angle between the nose and forehead, or angle between the nose and upper lip.

Issues such as width, asymmetries, deformities, drooping, or enlarging of the nose can be addressed, enhancing visual aesthetics. These procedures not only reshape the nose but also improve respiratory function, addressing issues like nasal turbinates, deviated septum, or sinusitis.

During the same session, these procedures can be performed to ensure improved breathing comfort. Before the procedure, nasal photographs are taken from 8 different angles, and a computer simulation is used to design the outcome. This simulation illustrates the difference between the current nasal structure and the post-operative result, ensuring alignment of both the doctor’s and patient’s expectations. If the result does not meet the patient’s expectations, the surgery is not performed.

Nasal aesthetic surgery is known for boosting individuals’ confidence and is considered a reassuring aesthetic procedure.

After Rhinoplasty

After nasal aesthetic surgery, despite concerns about breathing comfortably due to misconceptions, individuals can breathe quite comfortably. Advances in medical technology allow intervention not only in nasal aesthetic procedures but also in other nasal issues.

Using techniques like laser or radiofrequency, these issues can be addressed, reducing them and improving breathing comfort. Swelling typically subsides within about 3 weeks, alleviating any breathing problems. If a patient does not experience improved breathing compared to before the procedure, either there may be an underlying issue or the patient may have experienced trauma post-surgery.

Nasal aesthetic surgery should not be viewed solely as cosmetic; it also addresses functional aspects of the airway. Therefore, it should enhance both functional breathing comfort and visual improvement compared to pre-surgery.

Rhinoplasty Prices

The prices for nasal aesthetic surgery vary significantly based on several factors. One of the most crucial factors is the surgeon’s fee. The surgeon’s skill, experience, knowledge in the field, frequency of performing the operation, and reputation significantly influence the cost. Additionally, the location and reputation of the hospital where the procedure will be performed play a role. Other costs such as anesthesia fees, nurse fees, and post-operative care also contribute to the total cost. Whether it is the patient’s first or second nasal surgery, or if it’s a revision surgery, can also impact the cost, with revision surgeries generally being more expensive.


Furthermore, if there are additional procedures needed such as addressing nasal turbinates, deviation, or sinusitis, the cost can vary accordingly. Therefore, it is not accurate to provide a specific cost for nasal aesthetic surgery due to these diverse factors. It is best to consult with a doctor for precise information.

However, at Hosfinder Clinic, the cost of rhinoplasty ranges from 2000 to 3500 Euros. The clinic operates with a highly professional team and equipment, prioritizing patient health and care throughout the entire process—from pre-operation to post-operative recovery. This commitment contributes to the clinic being a preferred choice for many. Additionally, patients typically need to stay in Turkey for 6 nights and 7 days for the procedure.

Rhinoplasty Frequently asked Questions

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, is a surgical procedure to reshape or resize the nose for aesthetic or functional purposes.

Good candidates for rhinoplasty are individuals who are in good overall health, have realistic expectations about the outcomes, and wish to improve the appearance or function of their nose.

Rhinoplasty can correct various nasal issues such as dorsal hump reduction, nasal tip refinement, nasal asymmetry, nasal width reduction, and improvement of nasal breathing function.

Rhinoplasty can be performed using either an open or closed technique. The open technique involves making an incision across the columella (the strip of tissue that separates the nostrils), while the closed technique involves incisions made inside the nostrils.

Recovery from rhinoplasty typically involves mild discomfort, swelling, and bruising around the nose and eyes for the first week. Most patients can return to work or school within 1-2 weeks, but complete healing and final results may take several months.

Like any surgical procedure, rhinoplasty carries risks such as infection, bleeding, anesthesia complications, and dissatisfaction with the aesthetic outcome. Choosing a qualified and experienced surgeon can minimize these risks.

Yes, rhinoplasty can improve nasal breathing by correcting structural issues like a deviated septum, nasal valve collapse, or enlarged turbinates that obstruct airflow.

With closed rhinoplasty, incisions are made inside the nostrils, resulting in no visible external scars. Open rhinoplasty may leave a small scar on the columella, but it typically heals well and becomes inconspicuous over time.

Rhinoplasty results are typically permanent, although subtle changes may occur over time due to natural aging processes. It’s essential to follow post-operative care instructions to maintain optimal results.

When choosing a rhinoplasty surgeon, consider their credentials, experience in performing rhinoplasty, before-and-after photos of their previous patients, patient testimonials, and your comfort level during the consultation. A board-certified plastic surgeon or otolaryngologist (ENT surgeon) with specific training in rhinoplasty is recommended.