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Gastric Sleeve at Hosfinder Clinic

Gastric Sleeve at Hosfinder Clinic

Embark on a transformative weight loss journey with Gastric Sleeve surgery at Hosfinder Clinic in Turkey. Our team of expert surgeons specializes in advanced laparoscopic techniques designed to reduce stomach size, enabling sustainable weight loss. Experience comprehensive care, from initial consultation to post-procedure follow-up, all customized to suit your individual needs.

Duration of Procedure

6-8 Hours

Hospitalization Duration

0 Days


3 Nights 4 Days

Return to Activities

2 Days

Complete Recovery

Anticipated Results

7 Days

Duration of Procedure

1 - 3 Hours

Hospitalization Duration

3 Nights


7 Days

Return to Activities

Nutritional Program

Complete Recovery

3-6 Months

Anticipated Results

6-12 Months

Gastric Sleeve in Turkey

Embark on a transformative weight loss journey with Gastric Sleeve surgery at Hosfinder Clinic in Turkey. Our skilled surgeons specialize in advanced laparoscopic techniques to reduce stomach size, facilitating sustainable weight loss. Experience comprehensive care tailored to your unique needs, from initial consultation to post-procedure follow-up.

856 Patiens – 4,83 out of 5

Gastric Sleeve in Turkey

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is an effective surgical procedure used in the fight against obesity. During the operation, the patient’s stomach is reduced to a smaller size. The surgery is performed using laparoscopic surgical techniques, where a portion of the stomach is removed. The remaining stomach resembles a tube, which is why this procedure is also referred to as a “sleeve” gastrectomy.

Gastric sleeve surgery is performed on individuals who experience health issues related to obesity and have not achieved positive results from other methods such as diet and exercise. Approximately 80% of the stomach is removed during the surgery. Reducing the stomach’s volume allows it to hold less food and drink, helping individuals control their eating.

Gastric sleeve surgery aids weight loss in several ways:

  • The smaller stomach size will hold less food, which helps reduce calorie intake and promotes weight loss.
  • Hormonal changes in the stomach during surgery help control appetite, leading to less food consumption and weight loss.
  • The smaller stomach induces a feeling of fullness, reducing hunger and the inclination to eat.

At Hosfinder Clinic, we plan and perform gastric sleeve surgery with experts in the field, ensuring a comfortable and hygienic environment. For our international patients, the required stay in Turkey is planned to be 4 nights and 5 days. With affordable pricing advantages, you can obtain detailed information and initiate your treatment plan to bid farewell to excess weight.

How is Gastric Sleeve Surgery Performed?

Gastric sleeve surgery is performed on individuals who struggle with excessive weight problems and associated health issues. This surgical method, which has proven effective for many people worldwide in the field of metabolic surgery, significantly improves the quality of life for patients.

For those researching how gastric sleeve surgery is performed, the procedure involves several steps. The surgery is conducted under general anesthesia. Before the operation, all necessary medical records and tests are meticulously reviewed by a specialist.

Laparoscopic devices, also known as robotic arms, are used during the surgery. After the patient is anesthetized, small incisions are made on the abdomen. Through these incisions, cameras and surgical instruments are inserted to remove the planned portion of the stomach. The removal of the fundus section of the stomach leaves the remaining stomach in a tube-like shape, which is why this procedure is also referred to as a sleeve gastrectomy.

The removal of the fundus section also eliminates the production of ghrelin, the hormone responsible for triggering hunger. By reducing this hormone, the patient’s urge to eat is minimized, thereby supporting weight loss hormonally.

The surgery generally takes about one hour, though this can vary from person to person. After the procedure, patients are monitored in the hospital to ensure a safe recovery.

Who Can Have Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery results in significant weight loss for those who undergo the procedure. It is important to note that this surgery should not be performed solely for aesthetic reasons. It is intended for individuals who have developed other health issues due to excess weight and who have not achieved desired weight loss results through diet, exercise, and other methods.

The surgeon performing the gastric sleeve surgery must be a specialist in the field, and the chosen clinic must meet strict hygiene standards. For the surgery, the following conditions must be met:

  • The patient’s body mass index (BMI) must be 40 or higher.
  • The patient must not have any chronic illnesses.
  • The patient must meet the necessary health criteria for the operation.
  • The patient must be between the ages of 18 and 65.

Individuals who are not suitable candidates for gastric sleeve surgery include:

  • Cancer patients
  • Individuals with alcohol or drug addictions
  • Individuals whose bodies are too weak to withstand the surgery
  • Individuals with severe metabolic and hormonal disorders

These conditions make surgery risky for such individuals. If the patient meets the necessary criteria, the surgical plan is personalized by a specialist to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Price of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

The primary purpose of gastric sleeve surgery is to achieve permanent weight loss, improve the quality of life compromised by excess weight, and alleviate weight-related health conditions. This surgery is performed at numerous centers worldwide, including in Turkey. However, when choosing a center for the procedure, there are several important factors to consider.

When researching gastric sleeve surgery costs, it is crucial to evaluate the surgeon’s expertise in this field and the hygiene and comfort standards of the clinic where the surgery will be performed.

At Hosfinder Clinic, we offer this surgical procedure performed by expert surgeons. Our clinic ensures high patient satisfaction with affordable pricing. The cost for this surgery at our clinic ranges from 3000 to 4500 EURO.

By shedding excess weight, you can achieve a more dynamic and aesthetic appearance. Contact our center to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs. Many individuals struggling with other weight-related health issues experience significant psychological and physiological challenges. With today’s advanced technologies, these comfortable surgeries are performed through small incisions, helping many people regain their lost health.

Recovery Process After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery is a commonly chosen method for treating obesity. This procedure involves surgically removing a portion of the stomach to create a smaller stomach pouch, thereby reducing the patient’s capacity to eat and promoting weight loss.

The recovery process after gastric sleeve surgery can vary for each individual, but generally includes a few days of hospitalization. During this time, patients are placed on a liquid diet and pain management is provided. In the first few weeks following surgery, patients continue with a liquid diet to allow the body to heal and the stomach pouch to settle.

As the recovery progresses, patients gradually transition to soft and solid foods, following a meal plan recommended by a dietitian. It is important for patients to take dietary supplements, as their body may not absorb certain vitamins and minerals adequately after surgery. Engaging in physical activity, such as light walking and exercise, is also crucial during the recovery process to support weight loss and improve overall health.

Regular check-ups and participation in support programs are essential after gastric sleeve surgery. These steps help patients adopt a healthy lifestyle and maintain weight control.

The recovery process after gastric sleeve surgery varies from person to person. It is important for patients to follow the instructions provided by their doctors and dietitians and to seek support to manage the recovery process effectively.

Gastric Sleeve Frequently asked Questions

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a weight loss surgery where a portion of the stomach is removed to create a smaller, tube-like stomach. This reduces the amount of food the stomach can hold, promoting weight loss.

Candidates typically have a BMI of 40 or higher, or a BMI of 35 or higher with obesity-related health conditions such as diabetes or hypertension. They should have tried other weight loss methods without success.

The surgery usually takes about 1 to 2 hours, depending on the patient’s specific circumstances and the surgeon’s technique.

Most patients stay in the hospital for 2 to 3 days after surgery. Full recovery and a return to normal activities typically take 4 to 6 weeks.

Initially, patients follow a liquid diet, then gradually transition to pureed foods, soft foods, and finally regular solid foods over several weeks, guided by a dietitian.

Potential risks include infection, bleeding, blood clots, nutrient deficiencies, and complications related to anesthesia. Long-term risks may include acid reflux and the possibility of weight regain.

Patients typically lose 60-70% of their excess weight within the first year after surgery.

Yes, over time, the stomach can stretch if the patient frequently overeats, potentially leading to weight regain. It’s important to follow dietary guidelines to maintain weight loss.

Yes, patients often need to take vitamin and mineral supplements for life to prevent deficiencies, as the smaller stomach may not absorb nutrients as effectively.

The surgery reduces the production of ghrelin, the hunger hormone, which helps decrease appetite. Many patients feel less hungry after the procedure.