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Dental Crowns at Hosfinder Clinic

Dental Crowns at Hosfinder Clinic

Transform your smile with Dental Aesthetics at Hosfinder Clinic in Turkey! Our specialized treatments are tailored to provide you with a stunning Hollywood Smile that radiates confidence and charm. With state-of-the-art techniques, we enhance the natural brilliance of your teeth, leaving them luminous and rejuvenated. Experience personalized attention and remarkable outcomes as we craft your smile into a genuine Hollywood masterpiece!

Duration of Procedure


Hospitalization Duration

0 Days


10 Days

Return to Activities

2 Days

Complete Recovery


Anticipated Results

10 Days

Duration of Procedure


Hospitalization Duration

0 Days


10 Days

Return to Activities

2 Days

Complete Recovery

– Days

Anticipated Results

10 Days

Dental Crowns in Turkey

Experience the enchantment of Dental Crowns at Hosfinder Clinic in Turkey. Our specialized techniques are designed to enhance your smile by covering imperfections and restoring the natural beauty of your teeth. Whether you seek minor corrections or a dramatic transformation, our personalized methods ensure stunning outcomes tailored to your unique needs. Rediscover the pleasure of smiling confidently at Hosfinder Clinic and let your Dental Crowns illuminate your smile!

856 Patiens – 4,83 out of 5

Dental Crowns in Turkey

Dental crown, also known as a tooth cap, covers the visible part of the tooth, and the process of cleaning decayed areas and applying a single covering is referred to as dental crown treatment. With dental crown treatment, there is no need for tooth extraction, and by completely removing decay from the tooth surface, tooth pain, sensitivity, and discomfort are alleviated, restoring the tooth’s function.


In dental crown treatment, the decayed areas in the tooth crown region are cleaned. After cleaning the decay and shaping the tooth for the crown, a mold is taken to create a new custom-fit implant that matches perfectly with the other teeth. It is then permanently placed using specialized permanent solutions.

Dental Crown Treatment

Dental crown, also known as tooth cap treatment in common language, helps restore decayed teeth, enabling individuals to regain functionality in their daily lives without hindrance. If there is no decay at the tooth root, this method allows for the restoration of the tooth, providing a durable structure that supports eating and chewing activities with ease.

Dental crown treatment can be completed in several sessions, restoring the functionality of the tooth and preventing aesthetic disruptions caused by decay. Hosfinder Clinic operates with expert dentists to help patients maintain their dental health. You can quickly schedule an appointment and get more information by using our contact numbers.

How is Dental Crown Treatment Done?

Dental crown treatment can be applied to many patients. It is suitable for individuals with severe tooth decay that has not reached the root of the tooth. The treatment begins with identifying the decay and examining whether there is any problem with the tooth root. If the tooth root is healthy, the procedure can begin. All decay in the dental crown is removed using techniques like laser or other methods, and the tooth is shaped to fit the crown by filing it down. A mold of the filed tooth is taken to prepare the crown.


During the crown preparation, a temporary tooth is placed to allow the patient to continue with their daily activities. The temporary tooth can be comfortably used for a few days. After the fitting, the permanent crown is placed in the patient’s mouth, completing the procedure.

Advantages of Dental Crown Treatment

One of the methods that can be applied to decayed teeth instead of extraction is dental crown treatment. Thanks to the advantages of dental crown treatment, the existing tooth root is preserved, and implant placement ensures smooth functionality. The benefits of this treatment include:

  • Preservation of tooth function.
  • Relief from pain caused by decay.
  • Saving the tooth without the need for crowning or bridging all teeth.
  • Long-lasting use of high-quality implant materials.
  • Elimination of the unpleasant appearance due to decay.

How Long Does Dental Crown Treatment Take?

Dental crown treatment can typically be completed in 3 sessions. The first session involves cleaning the decay, taking impressions, and placing the temporary crown. The second session is usually for the fitting of the permanent crown based on the impressions taken. The final session is when the permanent crown is placed. However, if adjustments or redoing of the crown is needed after the fitting, the number of sessions may increase.

Dental Crown Treatment Prices

The prices for dental crown treatment are among the top concerns for individuals considering this procedure. Factors such as the specific tooth requiring the crown and the materials used in the implant directly influence the cost. Therefore, individuals seeking dental crown treatment are advised to schedule a consultation to obtain detailed information about pricing and the duration of stay in Turkey.

Dental Crowns Frequently asked Questions

A dental crown, also known as a tooth cap, is a restoration that covers the visible part of a tooth to protect and strengthen it.

Dental crowns can restore tooth function, protect against further damage, improve appearance, and provide long-lasting results.

The procedure involves preparing the tooth, taking impressions, fabricating the crown, and finally, bonding the crown to the tooth.

Dental crowns can be made from various materials such as porcelain, ceramic, metal alloys, or a combination of materials.

Dental crowns are durable and can last many years with proper care, but they may need replacement over time due to wear or damage.

Yes, dental crowns can effectively cover and improve the appearance of discolored, misshapen, or damaged teeth.

The procedure is typically not painful as local anesthesia is used to numb the area during tooth preparation and crown placement.

The entire process, from preparation to placement, usually takes two to three appointments over a few weeks.

The cost of dental crowns varies depending on factors like the material used, the location of the tooth, and the dental clinic’s pricing.

A dental professional can assess your oral health and recommend a dental crown if you have a severely decayed, cracked, or weakened tooth that requires protection and restoration.